Join Our Lab

Feel free to email Dr. Grant ( to express your interest in any opportunities with the lab. Visit the Office of Academic Enrichment website for advice on how to get started with research opportunities at The Ohio State University.

Current Opportunities

Undergraduate/Post-bacclaureate research assistants

The Cognitive Health in Late Life (CHILL) Lab is seeking highly motivated research assistants to volunteer for two ongoing research studies:

This would be an ideal opportunity for gaining research experience in preparation for graduate-level education (e.g., medical school, graduate school in psychology, particularly clinical neuropsychology). Research assistants may be eligible to gain academic credit via registering for Undergraduate Research in Psychology (PSYCH4998).


Responsibilities for undergraduate research assistants will include:




Email the following to Dr. Grant (

a) Résumé / curriculum vitae (CV)

b) Ohio State University Advising Report

c) A description of the following:

Applications will be reviewed immediately on a first-come first-serve basis. 

Qualified candidates will be scheduled for an interview with Dr. Grant.

Graduate Students